Showing posts with label Saturday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturday. Show all posts

Saturday 30 March 2024

Saturday Blether...

I was attempting a quiz in a national rag, these once a week quiz's used to be easy, and this time I found how little I know about things these papers consider important.  The quiz is intended for the readers, not people like me passing by, and it indicates how 'culture' today dominates the thoughts of the masses.  How do I know who married who?  How do I know which song this line came from if it appeared after 1974?  I did at least know what we called water that had frozen!  
I do like quizzing, especially on subjects that I know a little about.  It is amazing how much I learn from them.  However, when I used to watch things like 'Eggheads' with the insufferable Jeremy Vine as quizmaster, I found all too often the questions were on science or the like, which you will be surprised to know, left me dead.  We all enjoy quizzing, that is why so many appear on the telly, and it is great to be on the team that wins a quiz.  This I have been I must make clear, though this was back in 1967!  I have lost many since.  It's just a shame general knowledge questions these days all ask things that are not general knowledge to me!

I have this on my laptop, I hardly use the phone and find it easier to read on here, yet looking around so many people appear to consider this 'app' an urgent requirement.  I know not why.  Certainly it can be used to get in touch with people on the move, send pictures of places visited, or foodstuffs being scoffed, and also museums, companies and the like use it to advertise themselves.  But is it worth it?
For me, a couple of people I know who rarely offer pictures, several interesting museums and little else is worth looking at.  Using the search facility we see what others are offering, usually somewhat overdeveloped women exhibiting themselves, football players, young drugged up youths and an occasional picture worth seeing.  It is all very tiresome to me.
Contacting people is important, but there is 'WhatsApp,' 'messenger' and Texts, and speaking on the phone ignorantly and loudly on buses, so why bother?  Personally I prefer email, short and too the point, and long and explanatory if required.  Pictures and videos can also be added to your own pleasure, but maybe not the recipients. 
Still, it gave me something to moan about...

I've just dumped a bunch of dead and dying daffodils in the bin, and now I feel somewhat saddened by this  These delightful bright flowers have lasted about 10 days, which is not much for £1, but they have gladdened the heart.  Now, with all the care of a Tory cabinet minister I throw them out, their work completed, and it all feels like a real death.  There are others on the desk, two varieties, both doing their job for a week or so, then they too will go the way of all 'Lillie's of the field.'  We are surrounded by such a variety of flowers, some considered 'weeds,' yet they are so well designed and look so good.  Gentle, yet strong, colourful and varied in shape and usefulness.  These all come with a warning, 'Do Not Eat!' upon them, leading me to ask questions.  We need to consider the 'Lillie's of the field' more carefully I say.

Sunday 17 March 2024


A bit of a conflict high above us this morning.  These two Magpie's have taken to living amongst the trees.  This annoys the Crows who live here.  Yesterday two Crows buzzed the Magpie pair and saw them off.  Today one Crow was chased off by this fellow and his mate, but the Crow is still hanging around in the trees high up somewhere.  Possibly he awaits reinforcements?  The Crows from times past would not put up with this, and I suspect more conflict soon.  I just wish they would come down lower so I could get a closer picture.  

Naturally, I was so engrossed by the birds conflict that I forgot to scribble anything else on here.
Few noticed.
However, Saturdays have little to say other than shops, football, sleep and feeding the face.  Nothing out of the ordinary occurs at weekends, unless something personal does.  
I met my downstairs neighbour walking the dog, at least the dog was pleased to see me, and little else of note occurred.  
Nothing in the news, no accidents, no trauma, just lies from crooked politicians, and mostly made up stories about royalty.  What a disgrace the UK media is.

My weariness, and the fear of heavy rain which did not arrive, put me off walking to the Kirk.
Instead I read the chosen verses, Jer 31:31-33 & John 12:20-33.  This took me to Jesus telling the disciples, at least those close to him, just how troubled his souls was, to the point of death.  Yet he chose to follow his fathers will, for that is why he came.  What a moment it seemed to me, here Jesus was faced with the choice of avoiding the cross, yet he would go through with it.  Then he says 'If you follow me you must take up your cross.'  He gave up so much, lost life, faced Hell for me, us, and he chose to go through with it.  What I face is so much easier.  So why do I fail?  
I am not sure being at church today would be any stronger an interpretation than what this meant to me.

Saturday 23 December 2023

Shopping Over...

At last the shopping is done, the guilt about those missed begins to hit home, and I am left looking forward to the bottle of 'Jura' sitting awaiting opening on Christmas Day.  Tesco was so packed this morning, even at 8:30, and I am glad I was not one of those who came later.  
Now I look forward to what they call 'Messy Church' tomorrow, a thing aimed at kids, so I have no idea what is going on.  I wish I could miss it but was persuaded by one of the young women with learning difficulties to go.  If I don't she may remember!  
That sums up Saturday when avoiding crowds and remembering things I forgot to buy.  

Saturday 16 December 2023

Saturday 14 October 2023

Saturday Morn

I sit here sipping my 'Buttermint Green Tea,' cogitating on the condensation on the windows this morning.  I also cogitate on the type of person who produces 'Buttermint Tea!'  The windows indicate the end of the warm spell, it was down to 7c last night, that's 44f to you, and a normal October has arrived.  Limping up the road to Tesco I passed a typical English man dressed in shorts and summer shirt but wearing a big coat over it all.  Some folks are reluctant to end summer, even in Autumn.  
The windows are wiped down, just as well I cleaned them properly a few weeks ago, and the open windows soon dry them, even though I am now freezing!  At least the feeble sun is shining, hanging low behind the town hall as I passed, bringing some warmth to the earth, brightening the leaves rusting in the trees, warming the birds when the stop from feeding their faces long enough to enjoy what warmth is on offer.
The 'Buttermint tea' is quite refreshing as I sit languidly gasping for breath at the desk.  Tesco's was quite quiet this morning, for a Saturday, the lass at the checkout friendly, the price increases enormous!  What a rip-off Tesco has become.  Starmer will not have the guts to demand a windfall tax on their profits!  I notice how much things have increased, how do some people survive?  I remembered, for no reason at all, this morning David Cameron's response to a question regarding an old women unable to afford to turn the heat up.  'Just put on a pullover,' he replied!  A true Tory!

Saturday 26 August 2023


Todays boring post concerns Bluebottles.  Yes those nasty large flys that usually come in one window, 
flutter around and depart by the way they entered.  This week life has been different.  All week such beasties have entered by the back window, moved to the main window, and remained there.
Now this happens often with worker Bees, and as far as I can make out a hive has found a home in our attic, thus Bees are coming in regularly.  These beasts need help escaping, bluebottles usually just wish to run away.  This is not happening now.  Every time I look up there are three or four wandering across the glass, none appear capable of returning or seeking to return by the way they entered.  This I keep having to rise, open the window, let in the draught, it is chilly today, and force them out.
I wonder why they are doing this, instead of escaping?
Is it the weather?  Do they think it is Spring?  Are they Donald Trump supporters?  I am bemused, this has not occurred before.  What is more bemusing is the removal of anything they could eat.  All rubbish has been dumped, what is bringing them in?  
It is all very confusing for a Saturday.

Through in the west wing I found this wee boy hanging about the window.  I am actually happy to see him, whatever kind or size of spider he may be, as this is a better way to curtain the other less welcome beasties that can be found at this time of year.  
I cleared away some old webs the other day, clearly there are areas that see few unwelcome guests, and am happy to allow such as he where he can settle in for a while.  One or two webs have been found in the same spot for years, clearing the enemy from the house and keeping a 'Boris the Spider' quite happy.  My only other worry about these creatures is finding a quite large spider, then not knowing where it went!  

St Petersburg

Saturday 1 July 2023

Quiet Saturday

Not a great start to a day that has not started greatly.  Overcast, with patches of blue peeking through, wind blowing tepid air in my face as I staggered drunkenly up the road.  My intention was to head for 'B&M' and obtain one or two things for the kids, and something for myself before the crowds arrived.  
There were no crowds, and there were no items I wanted either.  All those toys and not one suitable for either of them.  What I wanted, a new small clock, was not to be seen either.  At one time thousands of these wee clocks were to be seen in such stores, not one can be found today.  Have they all run out? Did the ship sink on its way from China?  Who knows. 
I wandered back across the park as the weather began to spitefully rain on me.  Even the dogs there this morning ignored me.  
This exciting life continues...

Isn't it always the way that when you buy cards for birthdays and the like there is not a suitable one in the drawer!  I have just looked through a pile of cards and not one is suitable for the purpose I have in mind.  Why is this?
If I trawl round the appropriate shops, at least three here, I will not find one that fits today.  There will be billions that will fit next week, but will have gone by then, but today there is nothing.
It is because of such major traumas I am now insane.

Is it just me or is nothing happening just now?
The media appears empty of real news, Sunak made a statement yesterday which has disappeared quickly, and even Boris spouting in the Mail' has drawn little response.  Have we all given up?
The only excitement concerned Farage.  
Making an appearance on TV bemoaning being locked out of UK ,was intended to gather support from his Blackshirt followers.  Instead, it has sponsored rumours about his Russian money, with Twitter offering many photos of him with Russian ambassadors and the usual crew of Brexit ner-do-wells.  Little sympathy has been on view, this, in spite of a spirited defence by all the usual rich right-wing faces filling the right-wing media.  
Poor little rich lying nazi.

Saturday 8 April 2023

Quiet Saturday

How quiet the morning appears when a holiday is on.  The rat race in the evening was very slow last night, and not because of the crowds.  Just force of habit caused drivers to dawdle at the normal speed for the rush hour.  Today, Saturday appears the same.  How lovely to think those that would normally block our streets in the morning are all blocking the road into Dover as they await a ferry to France.
Tee Hee  You vote for Brexit and then wonder at the result?  The man in charge at Dover claims the French have put on more staff, many on overtime, yet still they wait.  This, he made clear, is a result of Brexit and nothing else!  It is hard to feel sympathy.  However, those going through Belgium have little hindrance, that however, does not make a story for the tabloids.
I toddled to Tesco for bread, I usually run out when shops close for one day, and chatted cheerfully with the man in the queue in front of me.  We both glared thoughtfully at the woman at the front on the only open checkout while she fussed over what we considered to be 'nothing.'  Holding the queue up is what women do we decided, men always just 'get on with it,' and fuss later.  Two women behind me, with a few items each, moved to the next checkout when it opened, looking questioningly in my direction.  I urged them to go as I knew the man in front with a trolley full would be quicker than they with half a dozen items each.  And he was.  We sniggered like schoolboys and moved on.

Later that day my laziness caught up with me.  So I addressed three cards, two for Easter eggs and one for a birthday, all running very late, and struggled back up the road and posted them in the best post box.  The cards ought to be no more than three days late!  My unhealthy body did not like this dawdle, especially as my head wished to be refreshed by crossing the park.  The sight of greenery, council Daffodils, and a dog or two under a blue sky is very helpful  Such small benefits are huge at times.  If I go out tomorrow I must struggle down the long road.  I am not looking forward to this and may reside here.  But it is Easter Sunday, one of the two days in the year when the scruffy church turns up better dressed.  This is a sight to see.  Normally, only visitors make sure they look good before entering.

I noticed the two Crows happily avoiding me as I passed.  Also, I noticed the two Magpies who have taken up resident in the trees opposite me are still there.  This surprised me as I expected the Crows to see them off their land by now.  I wonder if they have noticed, or if they are just waiting their time?
The soap opera's of the wildlife can be interesting.  Last night there was much loud barking, this from a young Roebuck deer in the park, hiding in the darkness.  I heard no reply but his folks must have been about.  These are timid creatures, soon off at a pace if they see you.

Saturday 1 April 2023

Saturday Sloth


I started the new month in the normal way, seeking for what day this is, working out what the time was, seeking coffee, and then hobbling up to Sainsburys before either I was awake or the crowds had gathered.  At Sainsburys the crowds had gathered.  I filled my basket as quickly as possible, joined the shortest queue at the checkout, friendly crowd here, good young lady on till, and struggled home, huffing and puffing all the way.  
Another month has begun!
This is the fourth, and I still working through the second!  Now Spring clean time has arrived, but thankfully I canny be bothered.  So that is that!  
The constant bug over the past few months has been hanging around making life difficult again.  However, by remaining indoors for the past three weeks, only shopping took me out, has helped greatly. Indeed, this week I returned to exercise and housekeeping!  Both have been missing, and my mind is clearer than for a while.  However, I have been here before.  A virus is not a good thing, they come and go, wave after wave, but hopefully this one will clear off soon, I may even stop coughing for a while.
So, Saturday is football day, and to nobodys surprise the Heart of Midlothian threw it!  A good reason for depression.  It is strange how a simple game like football can mean so much.  We all know its only a game but winning and losing have an effect on the fan.  I cheered my self up by watching Motherwell roundly beat Hibernian in Leith.  That brought a smile.
Now I prepare for tomorrow, Palm Sunday, mostly by staring into space...

      My latest great niece. That cheers me up.

Saturday 25 February 2023

Daffodils and Rome

Typical Saturday, nothing happening, too much football and not enough enjoyment.  Rushed dinners, bread like concrete (last sourdough I buy), and umpteen cups of tea sum up the day.  The sun shines, the sky is blue, the chill from the north wind has found me, and the electric people wish to install a 'smart meter' they have already been told will not work, but they have asked me for the meter reading also.  This apparently is to avoid me being overcharged!  Pah!
However, I did waste a good 30 minutes on this...

Saturday 11 February 2023

Lazy Saturday

Saturday has been a delightful day of rest.  
I ignored Twitter's demands, read fitful news, and ignored the world's problems.
Fair to say the world ignored mine.
I lounged, I ate, I read books, I daydreamed, though I may actually have been asleep, I ignored the outside world.  
It was a good day.
With the main football being last night, and today's being Scottish cup games and little else, I have avoided much football also.
Until tonight.
Tonight I watch the 5:30 game.
This will end the day quite well.
I need more days like this.

Saturday 4 February 2023

Saturday 17 December 2022

Success Saturday!

I am flushed with victory!  I went out, trudged manfully, and lower than ever, across the wild Arctic like landscape (That will be flushed away by the rain tomorrow), avoided the penguins and polar bears said to be in the neighbourhood, posted my last card, collected money from the 'Hole in the wall,' and made it home again without falling over.  
OK, I admit that the council have cleared much from the town centre, that some roads are so busy they are almost clear, but still, I promenaded happily and spent not a penny!  This in spite of the temptation of shops and stalls that are out on the make.  Home to dump the cap, gloves, big boots and big coat, to eat lamb chops (reduced), drink tea and await the football at 12:30.  

Nothing else happened.
I fell asleep....

Saturday 3 December 2022

Chilly Market Day

Another storming market day under the grey cloudy sky.  The wind chill made me wish I had worn the cap, the prices of some of the Christmassy stalls made me wish I was a top level footballer, then at least I could afford to but the home made gin.  
I did venture to purchase more Christmas cards for yet more names that appeared.  Do I really know so many people?  I also bought two more Amazon cards, just in case.  I have sent so much cash that next year I will be sending only Gift cards from 'Poundland!'  I also bought a £1 calendar, one of those 'One month to view, appointment calendars' to sit on the desk next to me ensuring I do not miss any birthdays as I have been known to do.  
I do this as if I had the money to cover it!  This, and sitting here with the heating sometimes on!  Is there no end to my callous regard for reality?    
Now I have just watched boring Netherlands defeat the USA, boring and efficient football has been their way since the 60s, I cannot see them end this now  Hopefully Argentina will sort them out in the next round, though they have to get past Australia, which they sadly will do.
Now it's bread and cheese for tea...How the rich live!

Saturday 26 November 2022

Saturday Sun and Football

 There was a pale sun shining through the thin cloud as I hobbled round to market this morning.  I went to obtain Thick Brown Tape for the pacjage I must send up north.  Luckily the cards I bought online from 'Etsy' arrived today, this means I can sort them out, send them off and finish others cards.  Only the one or two online shop left after this.  I boast to others about my good work, they are all very rude about it!  Apparently, though they have time, and have been aware Christmas is coming, they are not yet ready, many have not begun the task.  Naturally I rub it in, somewhat exaggerating my worth.  This does not win me friends.  
I had almost finished the bread I bought yesterday, this meant wandering into Tesco for a loaf, and only a loaf, but I accidentally bought other things, much needed, along with a, reduced price, bottle of Courvoisier Brandy.  I am not sure how that happened.  
When I got home I found I had forgotten the Brown Tape!

Even I am wearying with all this non-stop football.  At the last World Cup I believe we only had three games a day at this stage, just like the Africa Cup of Nations also had.  Now we have four games daily until the knockout stage, and it takes a toll.  The routine has gone, things are rushed to fit in, and then the game is often ignored as other duties arrive.  I would love this if I were 15!  
However, one aspect is the chance to get involved with a stramash on Twitter about English football hooligans.  Naturally I trolled a wee bit, but the English are so imperialist, it comes out when you correct the media in that they are 'English fans, not 'British!'  Lots of laughs here!  The lack of knowledge about Scotland and the United Kingdom is apparent and all too easily brought forth.  Still, now I have several English enemies I did not have before, and one or two new friends.  It's all a laugh really.

Saturday 19 November 2022

Saturday Market

Early this morning, I limped around the town as the stallholders for the Christmas Market set their wares out.  There are two markets, one on Wednesday, one on Saturday, and this has been going on since King John, of ill repute, granted the Bishop of London, who had inherited the land through the Saxon owners will, asked for one.   Some 800 years or so later the market continues, though there are some changes.  
Once a month, in an effort to bring in crowds and resurrect a dying Market, trade stall for 'fancy goods,' beer and gin, burgers and pizza, appear.  On a good day the seats will be filled with guzzling people.
The market is not what it was, at one time we had three fruit and veg stalls operating between the two market days, but now, with great Conservative Council intellect, they have raised the stallholders costs so much that no fruit and veg man now appears.  What is the point of a market without fruit and veg stalls?   Other regulars appear, the fish van, or is he a different man?  The biscuit man, how can he afford it, and the stall with batteries, toys and any cheap plastic thing that sells also continues.  One is left wondering what is going on?
Today however, was the Christmas Market, even though it is still November.  Small trendy stalls operate.  You know the kind of thing, women artists selling their art, home made cheese, chutney, gin, spirits, perfumes, cakes and candles.  Also a variety of expensive items, the type you buy for another at Christmas are on show.  These cover a lot of ground, dogs, women, kids, jewellery, wooden pens and toys, fancy coasters, or plaques with dogs in mind and home made tablet.  That stall I kept well away from, I have few enough teeth left as it is.
These stall are expensive, fancy gin for £36?  These delightful skulls on show, hand made by the artist, one with a brain on clear display, cost £30.  I wanted one for my niece, she has some sick ideas, but the price put me off.  I told the lass I would not pay that, however, I said I would post the pic and let folks know about her.  Someone somewhere will love these, they must do as she is here every month.  
The gray clouds did not disperse, instead as I was heading for home a drizzle began, the sort that ruin life for such stallholders.  Luckily, many people were already out so they could not escape and sought shelter under the stall awnings.  
This type of market does appear to bring people out, whether they are locals I am not sure, it is not a market the townspeople want.  Many miss the fruit and veg stall, being somewhat less romantically inclined than those offering todays luxury items.  
There are of course food and drinks on offer.  Many vans offer beer, Thai food, sausages (they are the 'wurst.') pizza, burgers and almost all fast foods that you like.   No prices were obvious.  I came home to soup and bread...

Saturday 5 November 2022

Nothing to Say Saturday


A Saturday, and nothing to say.  
Inclement weather, another fancy phrase for constant rain, fills the day outside.
I left before 8 am to pop into Sainsburys for the things forgotten yesterday, this to avoid the coming rain, and it was raining by the time I got to the front door.  Too late to stop, I returned 'fair drookit,' from my short jaunt.
Forgetting the bread also, as usual.  
Amongst other things not worth saying, I fell asleep after lunch, again, and enjoyed it immensely. 
My favourite half hour that.
Of course I will not sleep until yon time tonight, and wake at 5 am again.
I ate 'sludge soup' for lunch.  
This began as Red Lentil soup but ended up as sludge!  It tasted like this also.
I now have a contact at PayPal to deal with, but this means phone calls and time, so it has to wait until tomorrow, maybe.
My phone is still down, I need to investigate thousands of suggestions regarding fixing it, before I give up and call for a required, so he can wait.
Almost all Christmas gifts bought, almost.  Just saying...
Another non Saturday, and can do nothing until I have seen the 6 pm game on BBC Alba.  
I may as well eat something with flavour now, I wonder if there is any cheese in that mousetrap...?


Saturday 30 July 2022

Saturday Slop


Surely this is what women were made for?
I had to iron today, a Saturday at that, as I found shirts for tomorrow were running out.  I managed three before I gave up.  How can anyone expect a man in my condition, (Lazy, idle, slob) to work so hard in such heat?  Not only this but my dinner war burning also thereby increasing the warmth in the room.
I noticed an advert saying 'Shirts Ironed,' and looked closer, £20 each!  That is more than they cost!  What a rip-off.  I winder if I can persuade the 12 year old round the corner to do them all for £20?  She needs the money doesn't she...?

With the 'Leadership Debate' still ongoing it is nice to see those Tories who wish one or another to win actually getting bored with the whole thing.  Every channel has a session with them, I ignore them all, we know what they are saying, and boredom, not excitement is the result.  Sunak will introduce private cities, crime and corruption, Truss will introduce lies, corruption and money for the rich, while standing on opposition, and Labour fall asleep, like the rest of us.  None of these people care or understand the country.  The fact that they don't care is more important.  What matters is their people, they ones paying for them, get what they want, the public can go hang.  The unspoken agreement found after the war that change must come, and change for the better, has long since died.  The 2010 Conservative government saw that off, Boris has brought Victorian days back to us all, and his people want him to return.

I like this.  This is an example of the clever advertising I have seen recently.  Another on Twitter came from Specsavers.   No cameras are allowed in UK courtrooms but 'artists impressions' are.  A picture of one from the two celeb slappers arguing showed a poor representation of one of the woman.  Specsavers used this picture calling for the artist to 'Pop in and visit us.'  Very clever.  We need more like this.

Saturday 25 June 2022

Saturday Info Struggle


Saturday morning, well lunchtime, and no real news to be seen.
Riots in the USA because they are stopping women killing babies, for some reason this is not acceptable.  The same people that demand help for the kids they have are happy to end the life of one they do not want, how cruel.  The same court has however, allowed New Yorkers to carry concealed guns.  A rule worked out by going back to the revolutionary days in the early US states and even taking into consideration the law as it was in the UK during Cromwell's civil war.  Quite what this has to do with the US, and quite how this allows them to carry guns in a city where life already appears cheap is not made clear.

Boris continues to lie while hiding in Rwanda, maybe they will keep him?  Something called 'Glastonbury' attracts lots of bad musicians and a desperate for attention ageing Paul McCartney.  The papers insist on filling space, in among the celebrities, of various diseases you might have if you stand, sit or walk in certain fashions.  A spot on your arm may indicate your foot will fall off, or a pain in the ankle mean you have TB.  I am not sure I trust the medical advice given by the media.  Also seeking attention is the girl on the make Kate, now Princess or Duchess or whatever, making use of the armed services for another PR stunt.  Intense, they say, speculation grows as to why Rupert Murdoch (91) is divorcing his latest woman, one Jerry Hall (60), though her smoking habit is being blamed.  So the blue pills do not work?  Boris Johnson wishes to put 'Daily Mail' editor, now 'editor in chief,' whatever that means, Paul Dacre (74) into the House of Lords, something Dacre has chased before.  If memory serves me well Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron and May all refused him this, and not just because the press ought not to be connected with government.  Boris is trying to push this through however. 
The 'Daily Express' online is no longer allowing any comments on stories, far too many people were pointing out how incorrect they were, so comments are banned!  Censorship, surely not?  The 'Daily Mail' continues to allow comments, at least the ones they print.  Many I note disagree with the slant put on stories.  A worrying trend for Mr Dacre and his lackeys.  
Otherwise nothing else has happened, certainly nothing here.  Not counting wobbling to Sainsburys early, then wobbling back as I forgot bread the very thing I went for!  I am not keen on this walking at the moment so was not pleased with  the holes in my brain.  Indoors I spent time upsetting child killers in the USA and some here also, mocking an occasional middle class socialist "What work with your hands have you ever done?" And sought out the early news of the football team returning to training in sunny Spain.  Only a month before that begins again.